Growing Weed: SCROG or SOG?

During the vegetative phase, you can use techniques that will maximize yield for a given limited space. You might have heard of ScroG or SoG before. But what does that mean? What’s the difference between these two techniques? This is what we’ll cover in this article…

The most popular low-stress training techniques to increase yield are sea of green (SoG) and screen of green (ScrOG).


Sea of green consists in growing many small plants to fully cover a given space. This technique allows you to shorten the vegetation phase and works great with auto-flowering cultivars. The main advantage is that you’ll have a dense canopy faster. It is also well-suited for growers with height restrictions in their growing environment. Most buds will be top buds, and you’ll spend less time trimming after harvest. The main drawback is that you’ll need to propagate more plants, so you should plan for an extra cost and effort in terms of seeds or clones.


Screen of green consists in training your plants to maximize yielding for a given surface. The difference is that you’ll use fewer plants that you’ll expand horizontally using a mesh or grid to train the plants. You will gently bend and tie branches through the mesh so that they grow horizontally while being exposed to light across their entire length. When done properly, this technique produces an even and dense canopy, a “screen of green”.


Both techniques have the same goal and have been successfully used by hobbyist and commercial growers. proven to be very successful for the domestic and commercial grower. ScroG requires a bit more experience and will require a longer vegetative phase but fewer plants. SoG will allow you spend less time in growth phase and do more grow cycles during the year, but will require you to spend more on propagation material.

What’s your preferred technique?

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